Marketing and strategy
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Having a good story to tell is one thing, but telling it so that the listener has no other way than to be mesmerized and captivated, almost getting carried away by the ease with which it flows and yet the impact that it carries, that’s a completely different story of its own.
We at Nexbox understand the need for strategically & tactically giving our products, services, and innovations the stage they deserve, presented in a light that shines favorably on them so that the spark we imbue our creations with can flash over to our audience and beyond.
As much as we’d love to be able to say something along the lines of “it took a great deal of work to come up with our elaborate corporate identity”, quite the contrary is true. Given how we had spent all our creative energy and focus on coming up with Nexbox services & solutions, there was none left for thinking about how to portray ourselves.
Of course, the above paragraph’s last part was meant more as a joke than anything else, but as with every joke, there’s some truth to be found here. We did consider very well how we wanted to come across to the general public, both as a team of founding individuals and as the project that we now are.
It’s just that the answer came right up: Authenticity. There is no need for fancy staging and the like when what you do resonates perfectly with what you are. Keeping in mind the reason Nexbox was founded in the first place, that being one of a crypto trader’s necessities – representing that of so many others out there, it becomes clear where we at Nexbox see ourselves.
We are people with a vision, combined with enough knowledge and the right mindset to make it happen. Our dream is shared by millions of people in the crypto space every day (most of them probably haven’t realized it d yet), as we are simply a part of the community that has come to manifest into something that creates and gives back.
This attitude is represented throughout every single fiber that makes up what Nexbox is today: Take, for instance, the way people interact with us & each other on our Telegram community, oftentimes being described as one of the few, if not one single completely non-toxic crypto community.
By standing true to our ideals and coming across authentically as what we are – people, still with a vision, coming from the community and now taking their turn to give something back, we orchestrate everything that comes from Nexbox in a way that people can feel respected, included and treated at eye level.
The same conviction is also found throughout our services & solutions, which we aim to keep as simple as possible while building on a foundation of “we don’t go below 100% safety” and bulletproof functionality.
We at Nexbox firmly believe that good things made with honest effort spread t own word. Holding something meaningful in one’s hand, the need for sharing one’s passion automatically arises, and keeping it close to the hartheartsomething that comes by itself, effortlessly.
Focusing on organic growth through word of mouth of people who genuinely believe in our services’ integrity and value, we see the main potential for getting to our audience by reaching out through seemingly low-key channels such as Telegram, Twitter, and Reddit, in a well-orchestrated manner.
To back up the word of mouth being spread, we are looking to create a stable base structure of articles, blog posts, influencer activity, and YouTube videos by us, and/or about us, together with a polished, easy-to-use website and dApp dashboards. Other than output of information, this serves the purpose of giving people something to pass around and hold onto. A good product goes a long way, but one with pretty graphics attached to it goes much, much farther.
Through cooperation with diverse promotional groups and agencies, we strive to 31 push the word of our vision out into the world as far as possible, and secure our place within the hearts & heads of people.
Aiding the goal of giving users something to hold onto, eventually making them firm believers, we generally like to stir things up a bit and keep everything in motion. Wherever there is interaction with anything Nexbox, there’s a chance for leaving an impact and creating a long-lasting, pleasant memory.
Pleasant, for example, would be the touch of a freshly printed, fluffy-on-the-inside hoodie in a smooth combination of colors and a neatly styled Nexbox logo here and there. Winning in a community contest, being publicly announced, ed and even receiving a monetary reward, now, that sure is something to be remembered.
Here are some very tangible initiatives we have already undertaken or will be holding off in the future, aiming at intertwining our project with people’s daily lives in a mutually beneficial relationship:
• AMAs within our community
• AMAs with other communities
• Community contests
• Community quests
• Giveaways
• Early Adopter Bonus
• Referral program
• Liquidity provider bonus program
• Merchandise (the aforementioned fluffy hoodie, also shirts and various gadgets), given away for free on special occasions
• The entire story of our In-Wallet Staking and Transactionless Governance
• Physical presence of Nexbox founders at crypto conventions, meet-n-greets, etc
These all have in common that they do a great job at integrating both the community and outsiders into the whole process, (further) familiarizing them with Nexbox as a vision and as a service along the way.
One particular key aspect of how Nexbox evolved can be observed very apparent when comparing our whitepaper’s previous installment to the current one: Having started exclusively with the Nexbox On-Chain Service as our single main product, we are now looking at a much wider array of services and solutions to offer, both to individual customers and crypto projects & businesses alike.
The declared goal here is establishing Nexbox as a company by putting several supporting pillars into the ground, on which our project can stand independently. Rather than stand on one single leg, we see having multiple ones as a critical factor for economic success.
With our emerging business-to-business branch and by extending our business-to-customer services, we aim to set a broad entrepreneurial foundation for Nexbox, throughout which all our customers and clients can benefit from the NEXBOX token utility (will be further extended to accommodate business & other new services).